How to Select the Best Pool Service Company for Your Needs

How to Select the Best Pool Service Company for Your Needs

A swimming pool in the backyard is a valuable addition to your home. Often, it comes in handy when the summer heat becomes unbearable. However, having a swimming pool in the backyard also means proper maintenance, or else the pool becomes your biggest source of frustration. The biggest question now is how to choose the […]

Why is Alkalinity So Important in Pool Water

Why is Alkalinity So Important in Pool Water

What is alkalinity? Alkalinity is the chemical test of pool water to determine that it is in range so that the chlorine in the water can properly disinfect any bacteria in the pool water. As pool professionals, we are very familiar with the importance of alkalinity in pool water, but it is also essential for […]

What Causes Cloudy Pool Water? How Do You Fix It?

What Causes Cloudy Pool Water? How Do You Fix It?

It is a great feeling to have a swimming pool in your backyard because you no longer have to go swimming in crowded public pools or pay for all-summer tickets. The only challenge is how to keep your pool sparkling clean. If you have ever wondered why your pool is cloudy, then pool maintenance is […]

How Long Should You Wait to Swim After Treating Your Pool?

How Long Should You Wait to Swim After Treating Your Pool?

Maintaining the right chemical balance in your swimming pool is essential, not only for the health and safety of those who use it but also to extend the pool’s durability. One common question pool owners have is how long to wait to swim after adding chemicals. Understanding this timing is essential to enjoy a safe […]

How to Select the Perfect Pool Tiles for Your Swimming Sanctuary

How to Select the Perfect Pool Tiles for Your Swimming Sanctuary

When designing or renovating a swimming pool, choosing the right tiles is crucial. Not only do they enhance the pool’s aesthetics, but they also contribute to its durability and safety. Various types of tiles are available, each suited for different pool areas and budgets. Exploring the Different Types of Pool Tiles How to Choose the […]

How Often Should Your Swimming Pool Be Resurfaced?

How Often Should Your Swimming Pool Be Resurfaced?

Sparkling pool water, refreshing dips on a hot day—your pool provides endless fun for the whole family. But like anything else that endures wear and tear, your pool’s surface won’t last forever. So, how often do pools need to be resurfaced? While the magic number is typically every 8 to 10 years, several factors can […]

What Does Your Pool’s pH Really Mean for Its Health and Safety?

What Does Your Pool’s pH Really Mean for Its Health and Safety?

Caring for a swimming pool goes beyond just cleaning the water and maintaining the surrounding area. It requires a grasp of the water chemistry that promotes a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. A key factor in this equation is the pH level of your pool water. Ranging from 0 to 14, the pH scale is […]

Why Your Pool Has Turned a Shade of Green and How to Make It Sparkle Again

Why Your Pool Has Turned a Shade of Green and How to Make It Sparkle Again

Peering out at your swimming area only to find a greenish tinge can be quite the shock. You might wonder why your swimming pool is green despite regular care. This unexpected change is not just an aesthetic issue but a sign that your pool requires immediate attention. The Culprits Behind the Green Tinge Several factors […]

Tips for Keeping Your Pool Pristine

Tips for Keeping Your Pool Pristine

A swimming pool is an oasis of joy and relaxation, but keeping it clean and safe for everyone requires a bit of work. Healthy pool water is the cornerstone of enjoyable swimming experiences, and maintaining that crystal clarity involves more than just skimming leaves off the surface. Here, we’ll explore how to maintain a pool […]

How To Spot the Sneaky Drips: Is Your Swimming Pool Leaking?

How To Spot the Sneaky Drips: Is Your Swimming Pool Leaking?

When it comes to maintaining a pristine swimming pool, it’s all about keeping an eye out for the subtle signs that something might be amiss. Picture this: crystal-clear water, the sun reflecting off the surface, and the tranquil sound of water lapping at the edges. Now, imagine if all that beauty was slowly dripping away, […]