How Frequently Should You Clean Your Pool Filter?

How Frequently Should You Clean Your Pool Filter?

Your pool filter is the essential piece of equipment that maintains the sparkling appearance of your pool. Even as it works hard to keep your pool clean, your pool filter also suffers in the process. Essentially, the debris it removes from the water can remain lodged inside the filter, so you should consider cleaning the […]

Why Swimming Pools Rely on Chlorine for Cleanliness and Safety

Why Swimming Pools Rely on Chlorine for Cleanliness and Safety

Have you ever dived into a swimming pool and marveled at how sparkling clean the water looks? That crystal-clear water is often thanks to chlorine, a key player in keeping swimming pools safe and inviting. While pools need chlorine for multiple reasons, understanding its use and effects can help ensure a healthier and more enjoyable swimming experience. […]

How High Should My Pool Water Be? Here’s How to Find the Perfect Level

How High Should My Pool Water Be? Here's How to Find the Perfect Level

Maintaining the proper water level in your pool is essential for both the functionality of your filtration system and the overall health of your pool. Many people wonder how high pool water should be. Too little or too much creates challenges that can turn a refreshing swim into a frustrating experience. Generally speaking, the proper […]

Discover the Perfect Pool Filter: A Guide to Cleaner Waters

Discover the Perfect Pool Filter: A Guide to Cleaner Waters

Every pool owner knows the heart of a sparkling clean pool lies not just in its inviting waters but in the silent, ever-vigilant machinery that keeps it that way: the pool filtration system. Understanding the types of pool filters and their differences is crucial for maintaining that crystal-clear look and ensuring the health and safety […]